Sisterhood News
Sisterhood has recently had two successful tikkun olam projects. We are pleased to be sharing this news with our Temple Sinai community.
In October and November we collected feminine hygiene products through a drop-off box outside the temple. We were able to bring several bags of these very needed items to the following community agencies: The Center for Hope and Safety, the Women’s Rights Information Center, the Bergen Family Center and the Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative. Many thanks to all who donated and to Jodi Bienenfeld and her daughter Gemma for helping distribute the items.
Sisterhood has been cooking and serving a full dinner at the Homeless shelter in Hackensack for many years. This year, because of the pandemic, we were not able to cook or serve in person. The creative coordinators of this project, Marci Ginzberg, Harriet Nachum, and Karen Tubin, organized a fund raiser for the program. We collected funds from 46 Temple donors. A professionally cooked meal was purchased from the Trunk Pop Dinners, run by local cooks, Marge Perry and David Bonom of Tenafly. We were pleased to be able to support a local small business as well as feeding 150 homeless or food insecure people. One of our members also baked and packaged individual desserts for these meals. Marci and her daughter Kasey, Harriet, and Karen delivered the meals to the site.
In addition, our donors were so generous, above and beyond what was needed for this dinner, that Sisterhood will be donating the balance of $2,000 to the Winter Dinner Program coordinated by The Community Chest. For more information about the Winter Dinner program and ways to help, please look at:
Thanks for being part of this caring community.
Hilary Eth, Sisterhood President